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 Areas of Work


Areas of Work​​


Technology Development

Identifying promising technologies​ in atomic energy, renewable energy, and radioactive waste management, enabling research and studies for technology development, and preparing periodic scientific reports and research.


Technology Localiza​tion

Maximizing intellectual capital, developing programs to stimulate the private sector to support research and innovation programs, developing human capacities and local content, and setting standard specification projects for atomic energy and renewable energy applications.


Human Capacity Development

Contributing to the development of national capacities in the energy sector at the national level, providing scholarships and training programs, and raising awareness of fields and applications through organizing exhibitions, conferences, training programs, seminars, and workshops.


Support and Services Provision

Participating in the preparation of national plans, providing technical and advisory services related to the peaceful uses of atomic energy, and managing radioactive waste at the national level.


Supporting Enablers

Signing agreements, cooperating, and exchanging experiences with international and regional organizations, universities, research centers, institutions, and specialized expertise in fields and applications related to its role.